Paid social media video ads

Screen grab examples of paid social ads; Facebook, left; TikTok, right, for Miami University Regionals E-Campus

Example of a paid social ad of a man working on his laptop outside for Facebook
Example of a paid social ad for TikTok of a mom working on her computer with her kids

15-second recruitment video encouraging prospective students, such as young, professional women, to apply to online degree programs.

15-second recruitment video encouraging prospective adult learners to apply to online degree programs. This video targeted mothers.

15-second recruitment video encouraging prospective students to apply to online degree programs.


Miami University Regionals E-Campus needed to replace some out-of-brand paid ads that were circulating on Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok. They needed a collection of ads to encourage prospective students from different personas to apply to online programs.

Researched stock B-roll of people from different audiences: A young, professional woman; a mother looking to further her education, and a young man of traditional college age. I edited the footage down to 15 seconds, and I added brand-friendly colors, and type. I added a touch of movement to the type to catch viewers’ eyes.

Senior Director of E-Campus, E-Campus Coordinator of Student Engagement, and Interactive Media Specialist all provided feedback, and University Communications and Marketing provided brand approval.

15 seconds isn’t a long period of time to get someone’s attention. There wasn’t time to create our own B-roll, so stock was the best solution. Finding stock footage that looked like our prospective students and not overly staged was also a challenge.

Created four new, approved ads in about two weeks.

RESULTS: The video of the mom and kids was one of the best performing ads for E-Campus in 2022. E-Campus seeks to reach more adult learners.


Pexels, Envato Elements
B-Roll footage